
Incoming Elders

Ely Samuel Fournier

Long Beach, Light & Life Christian Fellowship – North

Briefly describe your testimony of coming to Christ…

As the son of Missionary and Pastor parents, I have spent all my life in ministry but it was not till the age of 19 where I rededicated my life to Jesus Christ and stepped into my calling to share and preach the Gospel. As a PK growing up I believed in God but I realized I did not know God, I was living Christianity through my parents and did not have a personal relationship with God. Jesus continues to restore me as I strive to be the Man of God He has called me to be.

Briefly describe your understanding of God’s calling on your life…

I would describe God`s calling on my life as being set-apart (called out) through a personal experience at the age of 19, as well as receiving affirmation from my leaders and Pastors with God-given passion for ministry. Demonstrating competence through opportunities to lead and protecting my calling through strong healthy character.

How did you come to the Free Methodist Church?

i am thankful to be part of the Free Methodist Family. I came to know of FMC through my Pastor Larry Walkemeyer as he shared about the denomination and his church. Coming from a non-denominational but pentecostal background I appreciate and have come to take hold of the FMC Vision, Mission, Strategies and Freedoms.